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Art is Fair KL

Last collective exhibition of 2022, at Fahrenheit88

"There is no 2 without 3" said a famous italian saying...and now I can confirm it too!

After "Welcome to the New World" at Lai Lai Art Gallery and the Collective Art Exhibition organized by Creative Space at World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur, now you can find 8 of my artworks exhibited on the third floor of Fahrenheit88, in the center of Kuala Lumpur.

Beautiful industrial style and exhibition space events, the collective show is organized by Art is Fair KL. Come and have a look, let yourself be inspired by the 500 artworks on display, from local and international artists.

Unfortunately, when the opening took place I was in Italy and therefore I was unable to participate.

However, I share the video I made as soon as I went to visit it and the poster of the event where you can find the times and address. The exhibition has been extended until February 28th.

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Ciao, grazie per esserti fermato a leggere il post!

Scrivere è tra le cose che più mi piace fare, ancora di più se accompagno la scrittura a foto e video.


Qui troverai articoli scritti con il cuore, le mie emozioni e i miei pensieri. Ti racconterò della mia nuova vita in Malesia e la mia arte, scriverò articoli motivazionali e consigli utili per chi ha intenzione di affrontare un trasferimento all'estero. Questo e tanto altro.


Sarà una sezione in evoluzione, una specie di diario in cui la parola d'ordine sarà una soltanto: Libertà.

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