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Art Exhibition at World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur

Creative Space at World Trade Centre, Kuala Lumpur

I would never have imagined being able to participate in an international art exhibition outside Italy, but I am already on my second art exhibition in Malaysia this year! From September 30th to October 13th, I exhibited not one, but six of my artworks at the World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur and I even managed to show my paintings to the Queen of Malaysia.

It was a wonderful experience. I met a lot of people and talented artists, exchanged ideas, opinions and made new connections. That is undoubtedly the most important aspect of this type of event; building up your network and sharing your experiences with other artists who are living, have lived, or will live in the same situations because, alone, you can go far, but together you can reach unimaginable goals.

Thanks to everyone who supported and continues to support me!


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Scrivere è tra le cose che più mi piace fare, ancora di più se accompagno la scrittura a foto e video.


Qui troverai articoli scritti con il cuore, le mie emozioni e i miei pensieri. Ti racconterò della mia nuova vita in Malesia e la mia arte, scriverò articoli motivazionali e consigli utili per chi ha intenzione di affrontare un trasferimento all'estero. Questo e tanto altro.


Sarà una sezione in evoluzione, una specie di diario in cui la parola d'ordine sarà una soltanto: Libertà.

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